How many points are given for homework on School Tool?

  • 5- On time & completed as assigned.

3- On time & NOT completed as assigned.

3- One day late & completed as assigned.

0- More than 1 day late.

0- Missing.

How will the School Tool percentage be reflected on the report card?

  • E- 95% or above

S- 80% - 94%

I- 60% - 79%

N- 59% - and below

What if my child is absent?

  • Homework given before the absence should be handed in upon return to class, and work missed should be made up in a timely manner.

What if my child has music lesson during class?

  • Work missed during class should be made up, and any homework due that day is still expected to be handed in during the portion of class in which your child is present.