Classroom Information

3 Guyer's Specials

Day 1: Library

Day 2: P.E.

Day 3: Art

Day 4: Media Literacy

Day 5: PE

Day 6: Music

All specials are 10:30 to 11:10 am daily

Daily: Lunch: 12:00 to 12:30 pm

Recess: 12:30 to 1:00 pm

Contact Information


Phone: 518-674-7175


The items below are items we use on a daily basis in our classroom so if you can, and wish to, donate any of the items throughout the school year we would really appreciate your generosity. Thanks, from a great bunch!

  • crayons

  • glue (Elmer's or glue stick)

  • scissors

  • hand sanitizer

  • Clorox wipes

  • tissues

  • pencils

  • zip lock bags (sand., quart, or gallon)

  • board games or puzzles for recess (new or gently used)

  • Tennis balls (to quiet noisy chairs and hopefully desks soon too!)