The FightAsianHate.org Coalition believes that everyone plays a role in creating and shaping their shared reality. Individuals and community groups advocate. Public officials and their agencies legislate. Everyone together must collaborate to build a safe and healthy society.
Take a Stand by enacting federal, state, county, city, and school district legislation and resolutions to fight Asian hate.
Meet with AAPIs to learn about their fears and needs. See stories of everyday encounters with hate.
Encourage Reporting of incidences to law enforcement and community-based organizations.
Increase Safety particularly at locations where AAPI congregate, including at anti-hate protests.
Pursue Justice for acts of bigotry and hate--including intimidation, harassment, vandalism and violence.
Empower the Community through sponsoring government- and community-initiated bystander intervention training.
Coordinate and convene interagency meetings for updates, coordination, and reporting related to fighting Asian hate and providing public safety and community services.
Support Victims, providing primary language assistance if needed.
Provide Training on cultural sensitivity and implicit bias to government staff and law enforcement.
Invest in Education, including ethnic studies curricula and training for students and community to address stereotyping and scapegoating.
report hate crimes
follow justice movements
relevant political news
report hate crimes
hate crime toolkits
report hate incidents
hate in the news
Asian Americans Advancing Justice
report hate incidents
read stories of hate
response resources
Seven point plan to combat violence
bystander intervention training
conflict de-escalation training
responding to and preventing harassment training
resilience training
Mental Health Resources
Office of Otto Lee
bystander training video, in collaboration with Assemblymember Alex Lee and Santa Clara Councilmembers Kevin Park, Raj Chahal, Suds Jain. With presentation by the Council on American-Islamic Relations
videos and discussion guides for learning history and experiences, generating discussion, and starting solidarity practices