About Me

Ms. DuVall

Hello students and families!

I am so excited to have you in my class this year.  I look forward to learning about you and also hear about the fun things you have done this summer.  I would like to share a little about me...

Name:  Ms. Duvall

Family: I have two kiddos.  A daughter, Alexis and a son, Anthony. We are a Winslow family.   Alexis will be a senior this year, and Anthony is in the fifth grade. 

Pets:  I have a dog named Hope.  She loves to snuggle and lay in our laps.  She also loves laying in the sun.  This summer we added our new kitten Nova.  She's in the crazy kitty stage :)

Likes:  I love to spend time with my family.  I grew up in Florida so whenever possible I go to the beach!  I also enjoy mowing my lawn and working on my flower gardens.  I like to watch my kids play soccer.  Soccer is my favorite sport.  

Dislikes:  I am not a big fan of winter time.  I also do not like tomatoes or black olives.

Love:   I love being your TEACHER!