Mrs. Poulin's 5th Grade 

Welcome to the Fifth Grade at Winslow Elementary

Important information for Fifth Grade students and parents

*Look for important announcements via email and some assignments on students' Google classrooms throughout the year.

*Students are using planners daily to write down their homework and other reminders.  They should be bringing these home each day.  They also have homework folders to keep track of homework papers and other information that is going to and from school.  Most daily homework is assigned Monday-Thursday. If your child has a different teacher for certain subjects, such as Mrs. Jordan, Mrs. Foster, Mrs. Stout, Mr. Chesley, or Mrs. Myers they may have homework from these teachers in place of the homeroom homework.  Please contact any teacher your child has by email, note or phone if you have questions regarding expectations. Parents reminding students and checking homework will help to foster these important routines.

Special classes this year will be on the same day each week.  Our class specials' schedule is the following:

Physical Education -Monday (bring sneakers and dress in layers, so you won't be too hot or cold)

Library-Tuesday (bring library books)



Music- Friday

*Check out the News and Information tab, where you will find information regarding our schedule if we ever need to go fully remote.

Please do not hesitate to email, call or write a note with any concerns or questions.  As we work together I am sure we will make this a successful year for your children.

Contact information for Mrs. Poulin

872-1967 X2169