Hello! My name is Mrs. Hafford and I am so glad you are here! This is my 9th year teaching kindergarten at Winslow Elementary School and my 10th year as a teacher (my first year I taught 5th grade at Williams Elementary School in Oakland). I graduated from the Univsersity of Maine in Orono with a Bachelor's Degree in Elementary Education in 2010 and with a Master's degree in Literacy Education in 2017. My husband and I both grew up in Winslow and now live in Winslow with our two daughters and furry friend you will see below. In addition to being a teacher I am also a certified personal trainer. I started working at Champions for a few years and now I mainly train online. I love helping people stay active and live a healthy lifestyle!

I love spending time with my family, working out, going on hikes, spending time at the lake and the ocean, exploring new places and always going on new adventures.

This is my baby, Callie Marie! She will be 2 on October 10th! Time really flies! She is sassy but sweet and needs to currently do everything on her own! Callie is always on the go, talks up a storm, loves her mommy and daddy and laughs at her big sister. She loves to dance, sing, and copy everything her big sister does! We will start Callie in gymnastics and swimming lessons this fall!

This is Claire Elizabeth! Claire turned 4 in May and she is excited to start pre-k this fall at Temple Academy, one more year before coming to mommy's school for kindergarten! She is always full of energy, loves trying everything and is fearless, which scares Mom and Dad. Claire is in gymnastics and dance class and she loves to swim in our pool, the lake or the ocean! She loves to make her sister laugh and she will bring joy to anyone around her!

This is Shi (and Callie). Shi is our first baby! We got her at 8 weeks old from Georgia-she was a rescue dog so we are not exactly sure what she is. We do know she is a mix of bulldog, maybe hound and pitbull. She is now 8 years old and loves her sisters very much! Shi used to go on lots of adventures with me-swimming, hiking, exploring-but now it's hard to take a dog with two young kids-we try to walk her around the neighborhood daily!

I am so excited to be your teacher this year! We are going to have an amazing year together! I can't mask how excited I am to be your teacher this year!