Computer class

 Ms. Streznewski

 Winslow Elementary School

Class Overview

The Elementary Computer Class is designed to introduce young students to the world of computers and technology. This class aims to develop their foundational knowledge and skills in using computers, software applications, and navigating the digital landscape. Through a combination of theory, hands-on activities, and engaging projects, students will gain confidence in their ability to use computers effectively and responsibly. 

Course Objectives:

Assessment and Evaluation: 

Students' progress will be assessed through a combination of skills checkllists, hands-on projects, and class participation. These assessments will evaluate their understanding of the concepts taught and their ability to apply them in practical situations.

By the end of their K-5 Winslow Elementary Computer Class, students will have acquired essential computer skills, developed digital literacy, and gained a solid foundation for further exploration of technology. They will be equipped to navigate the digital world responsibly and confidently, setting them on a path towards success in an increasingly technology-driven society.



Ms. Streznewski

I am thrilled to be back at Winslow Elementary School with all of you for more exciting technology adventures!