Corporate Matching

Hello AOMS Parents!

Year-end would be a great time to donate to the PTSA to help fund one of our many projects. It’s tax deductible! If you’ve already donated, then thank you! Donations help fund our many projects, like bringing shade to the outdoor lunch area.

Did you know your employer could double the power of your donation?

Lots of employers offer donation matching programs. Many will even double your donation by matching it one to one! Search for companies that match here. It's not an all-inclusive list, so please do reach out to your HR department to double check

Corporate Matching FAQ

What is corporate matching?

Many local companies, large and small, match contributions to non­profit organizations ­ US based 501(c)3. This means that when an employee makes a donation to a non­profit organization such as our school, the company will match that donation with an equal or greater amount! This can instantly double or even triple the money you donate to Aviara Oaks Middle School.

How do I know whether my employer has a corporate matching program?

About 60% of all companies participate in Corporate Matching programs. Check with your Human Resources department to see if your employer has a program.

Does corporate matching benefit my employer?

Yes! Companies are happy to match your contribution as it’s great for corporate citizenship and they too will get a tax deduction for their donation.

Can corporate matching impact me negatively?

Absolutely not. Companies keep corporate matching data private. No one has access to this data.

When should I apply for corporate matching?

Right now! Some companies distribute corporate matching funds immediately, while others process them once per quarter. Some companies require you to submit corporate match applications at certain times of the year, while others process matches year round. If your company offers corporate matching, please apply for it as soon as possible.

Can I apply for a matching donation to AOMS if I’ve already applied for a match to another school or non­profit organization?

Yes! You can apply for corporate match donations made by you to multiple non­profit organizations. Most companies have yearly limits on how much they will match per employee. It differs from company to company so please check with your Human Resources representative.