Computer Lab

***(The Computer Lab is temporarily closed due to COVID 19 Restrictions!)***

Antioch University’s philosophy with respect to technology is “use it, don’t be used by it.” All enrolled Antioch University students participate in our online communications system, FirstClass, which allows students to communicate with faculty and one other from their own computers. In addition, enrolled students may use the Computer Center, where they may obtain the following services:

  • Access to MAC and PC computers during most days and evenings for use in word processing and online library use

  • Free training and support for FirstClass, the software conferencing and e-mail system, as part of orientation

  • High-speed (DSL) Internet access

  • General computer assistance (not available at all times)

The Computer Center is located on the ground floor (1st floor) next to the Student Lounge.

The AULA Computer Lab is staffed during various hours during the academic quarter. In-person Computer Lab assistance may also be found in the AULA Library. If computer training is needed, one can make an appointment with a tutor in the Math and Writing Lab, housed in the AULA Library. To report a problem with Computer Lab equipment, please contact the Antioch University HelpDesk at (866) 662-0056, or on the web at