Antigo High School Counseling Center



Mission Statement: 

The Antigo School District’s comprehensive counseling program will provide a student-driven, adult-supported, developmentally appropriate program which addresses the academic, career, and social/emotional development needs of each and every student. 

All students will feel safe, accepted and supported as they travel the path to becoming self-reliant citizens.

Vision Statement: 

Every student will reach self-driven, post-high school success through authentic school, home, and community relationships  to become a responsible and self-reliant citizen.


Counseling Center Staff

(Students:  Schedule an appointment with counselors by clicking on their names.)

Grades 10 and 11

(715) 623-7611 ext. 2311

Mrs. Neufeld

Grades 9 and 12

(715) 623-7611 ext. 2313

Ms. Hilger

Grades 8 and Advisory

(715) 623-7611 ext. 2312

Mrs. Marciniak

School Counseling Administrative Assistant

Phone: 715-623-7611, ext 2310


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