Child Development

Child Development is a technical laboratory course that addresses knowledge and skills related to child growth and development from prenatal through school-age children, equipping students with child development skills. Students use these skills to promote the well-being and healthy development of children and investigate careers related to the care and education of children.

Supplies Needed:

  1. 1 1/2-2 inch Binder (this will stay in class so it needs to be a binder just for this class.)

  2. 6 Dividers

  3. Pen or Pencil every day!

  4. Your charged Chromebook.

Child Development Syllabus.pdf

Topics Covered:

Unit 1: Employability Skills

Unit 2: Roles and Responsibilities Parenting

Unit 3: Protection and Safety of Children

Unit 4: Prenatal care and Development

Unit 5: Infant Development

Unit 6: Toddler Development

Unit 7: Development of Preschool Children

Unit 8: Development of School-Aged Children