Websites We Use in Class

Studies Weekly

We use these newspapers in class as our Social Studies curriculum. They can use the section questions on the weekly newspaper as review questions for tests.

Username: first name.last name

Password: Tigers1


We use this resource to practice skills that have already been taught in math, RLA, and science. Students can also work on this at home.

Username: first name, last name , and 4 digit cafeteria number

Password: 4 digit cafeteria number

Legends of Learning

We use this resource to practice skills that have already been taught in math and science. Students can play these games at home for extra practice. They do not need a username or password as they can sing into their google accounts.

AR Bookfinder

You can use this link to look up AR book levels at home.


We use this resource to practice skills that have already been taught in math and RLA. Students can also work on this at home.


We use this resource to practice skills that have already been taught in math and RLA. Students can also work on this at home.