ELA/SS 4th Grade

Trimester I

Curriculum Overview

This first unit of study focuses on establishing procedures for the Reading and Writing Workshops and developing habits of mind and skills and strategies of effective readers and writers. Once both workshops have been established students will learn how to use and expand on what they know to become readers who actively participate in their reading and reap the rewards of making text their own. Since stories are a magical place, learning how stories work lets readers enjoy the many layers of what they read. Fourth graders will explore plot, character, setting, and other components of fictional works as they also become familiar with the literary devices that allow authors to paint pictures with words. Students will be able to explain a story by referring to details and examples in the text. I can figure out the theme of a fiction text by thinking about the details in the text.

Math 4th Grade

Trimester I

Curriculum Overview

In the first trimester, fourth graders extend their place value knowledge to work with numbers up to millions. Students look for patterns and structure in our number system to gain a stronger ability to compare and order large numbers. We introduce the concept of rounding as a strategy to analyze the reasonableness of their answers. They extend their skills of adding and subtracting to work with four-digit numbers. By observing repeated reasoning students can generalize rules of multiplying and dividing whole numbers by powers of ten as they convert metric units of measurement in real life problem solving contexts. In the meantime, we work through multi-step word problems to contextualize their learning. Students will extend their knowledge of multiplication to work with four-digit by one-digit numbers, as well as two two-digit numbers. We conclude the trimester by applying multiplication in real life contexts involving area and perimeter formulas for rectangles.

Science 4th Grade

Trimester I

Curriculum Overview

Our first unit on ecology helps students develop the idea that plants, animals, and fungi form a system of interdependent parts, with each part dependent on the other parts for its material nourishment. We will aim to deconstruct the web of life and show how all living things are interconnected. This will involve analyzing food chains and recognizing patterns and behaviors common in all life. By the end of the unit, students should understand and be able to describe how organic matter is cycling through the living world.

Social Studies 4th Grade

Trimester I

Curriculum Overview

Students identify the elements of maps and globes and explore the difference between relative and absolute location. They label features on a map, define geographic terms, and apply them to the geography of the United States. Students determine absolute location using lines of latitude and longitude and identify physical features of the United States as they learn about the Earth’s landforms. Students understand and explain why the first Americans migrated to North America and how they adapted to their environment meanwhile learning to trace migration routes on maps.

Students learn about the seven American Indian cultural regions and the way each group adapted to the environment of the region. Students will also understand how relationships among individuals change over time and how these relationships can cause conflicts and/or cooperation.

Spanish 4th Grade

Trimester I

Curriculum Overview

1. Narrativa:

Durante este trimestre el estudiante conocerá las expectativas y rutinas de la clase.En este trimestre el estudiante aprenderá a identificar la idea principal y secundaria de textos.Asimismo, el estudiante desarrollará la redacción de pequeñas narraciones de eventos reales seguirá una secuencia lógica y utilizará palabras de transición (más tarde, después, finalmente… ) y reforzará el uso de los signos de puntuación (punto y coma).

2. Textos Informativos:

El estudiante redactará un informe explicando un tema de su preferencia. También practicará vocabulario y escribirá acontecimientos de un texto histórico.En gramática, los pronombres interrogativos (qué, quién, cuál, cuánto);conjunciones copulativas (y/e, ni, que); disyuntivas (o/u); adversativas (pero, aunque, sino, sin embargo) y causales (pues, porque, como, puesto que) durante los centros de escritura.

Art 4th Grade

Trimester I

Curriculum Overview

Students in 4th grade will continue to develop imagination, technical skills and creativity through exploration, experimentation and self expression, and they will understand the importance that visual art plays in society.

Students will:

  • Demonstrate growth in observational skills and the ability to create art from what is observed.
  • Identify and describe stages in the creative process.
  • Begin to ask more relevant questions to expand their understanding about works of art and the artists who created them.
  • Demonstrate growth in the ability to describe personal responses to works of art from a variety of sources.
  • Recognize and accept that there can be different interpretations of a work of art.
  • Demonstrate growth in the appreciation of exhibiting and sharing one’s artwork.
  • Begin to understand that a work of art can be created with the intention of provoking an emotional response.

Music 4th Grade

Trimester I

Curriculum Overview

Children can usually perform sixteenth notes with ease, especially after experiencing the 2:1 ratio of the more common note and rest value. If the children can sense the division of one note into two even sounds, they can sense sixteenth notes as subdivision of eighth notes. Students will be able to perform, a group of sixteenth notes among quarter notes, half notes, eighth notes, and rests; also dotted notes by singing activities and playing classroom instruments.

Students will be able to label, identify, and classify Woodwind instruments family. They will be able to ensemble a soprano recorder with proper technique. Also, they will be able to play a varied of repertoire with soprano recorder, with proper fingering, blowing technique, and reading on standard notation. Students will be able to accompany songs with percussion instruments, body percussion, and soprano recorder. Using appropriate dynamics.

Technology 4th Grade

Trimester I

Curriculum Overview

In this trimester students demonstrate respect for classmates’ digital work and for their opinions posted online, they recognize report and promote ways to avoid cyberbullying, review and practice how to be safe online when using technology, understand why not to click on pop-ups or advertisements, identify the consequences of unethical uses of technology. Then they organize and manage files and folders between school, home and online. Fourth graders maintain and use digital equipment effectively, they identify and solve common problems related to digital equipment, they use advanced features of Google Docs and Google slides, they also use research criteria and navigation skills to search for and find information on safe search engines, and they collaborate using web tools to support learning, They review about email basic features and practice Netiquette. Finally they are able to sign up in the based learning websites for the subjects areas, they learn about these website’s features and how easily access using their email information.

Physical Education 4th Grade

Trimester I

Curriculum Overview

Students focus on the importance of motor skills and movements, and also they will acquire concepts of developing sports. Students also develop skills to play fundamental basketball such as: coordination, dribbling, passing, shooting, modified basketball game, and the basic rules of the game.

Students acquire abilities for volleyball game; students develop movement skills and volleyball specific skills such as: forehand pass, under hand service, circular volleyball game, and the basic rules to play mini-volleyball game. Students practice some exercises of basic gymnastics to strength the upper body.

Students work on general physical development exercises that contribute to acquisition and improvement of physical qualities, such as, strength and agility.

Students demonstrate sportsmanship through these activities designed to develop and reinforce several personal and social skills associated with responsible behavior, safety, cooperation, interpersonal behavior to accept and provide personal feedback in order praise and accept others.