ELA/SS 3rd Grade

Trimester I

Curriculum Overview

In the first trimester for reading, students focus on choosing just right books, building reading stamina, and responding to reading in writing. Students read literature, specifically the genres of realistic and historical fiction. Additionally, students read closely to determine what the text says explicitly and to make logical inferences from it; cite specific textual evidence when writing or speaking to support conclusions drawn from the text. Students’ learn how to distinguish their own point of view from that of the author of the text. For their writing unit, students write personal narratives about a small moment in their life. This unit will align with the reading unit and students will use fictional narratives as mentor texts.

Math 3rd Grade

Trimester I

Curriculum Overview

Module 1 Properties of Multiplication and Division and Solving Problems with Units of 2–5 and 10. It begins by building on students’ fluency with addition and knowledge of arrays.

Module 2 Uses place value to unify measurement, rounding skills, and the standard algorithms for addition and subtraction. First, students use hands-on experiences using a variety of tools to build practical measurement skills and conceptual understanding of metric and time units. Estimation naturally surfaces through application; this transitions into rounding. Students rounding to assess whether or not their solutions to problems solved make sense.

Module 3 It builds on students’ work with multiplication and division in Module 1. It extends the study of factors from 2, 3, 4, 5, and 10 to include all units from 0 to 10 and multiples of 10 within 100. The factors are sequenced to facilitate systematic instruction with increasingly sophisticated strategies and patterns.

Science 3rd Grade

Trimester I

Curriculum Overview

Power of Flowers:Life Cycle, Traits, & Heredity: This unit develops the idea that by studying how plants reproduce and pass on their traits, human beings have figured out how to make food plants even more useful to them. Students first discover how plants reproduce by exploring the process of pollination and fruiting. Then students are introduced to the process of plant domestication.

Animals Through Time ​Habitats, Heredity, & Change Over Time: In this unit students will develop an appreciation for how animals and the places they live are not constant and change over time. Fossils give a window to the animals and habitats of the past. Selective breeding shows students not only how some animals of the past became domesticated, but allows students to imagine how they might look in the future.

Social Studies 3rd Grade

Trimester I

Curriculum Overview

Students will be able identify and define what is a map and what is a globe. They will state the similarities and differences between a map and a globe. Students will use maps and globes to locate people, places and things using the cardinal directions. Through different activities they will practice how to find an address using cardinal directions. They will be able to explain and draw a map including a rose compass and a map key. The map could be of their room, house, classroom and school.They will be able to locate and name the continent, country and city they live in on a globe and in a map.

Spanish 3rd Grade

Trimester I

Curriculum Overview

Narrativa Personal y Texto Persuasivo

En este primer trimestre el estudiante iniciará el curso con el reforzamiento y aprendizaje de las rutinas siguiendo las huellas del Tiger Way para crear un ambiente de aprendizaje y compañerismo que permita el desempeño de las habilidades, destrezas y creatividad de cada estudiante.

El estudiante trabajará con Narrativas Personales como punto de partida para desarrollar las capacidades y habilidades básicas de lectura y escritura. Escribirá sus experiencias y anécdotas personales con secuencia lógica y cronológica en sucesión de eventos, manifestará sus sentimientos a través de la descripción que han dejado estas experiencias, utilizando correctamente el uso de la gramática y ortografía en sus escritos. De igual forma trabajará con el género de Texto Persuasivo. Buscará convencer a un lector a través de un discurso y persuadirlo para que piense o haga de cierta forma.

Art 3rd Grade

Trimester I

Curriculum Overview

Students in 3rd grade will start to use the art vocabulary more purposely and will show comprehension of the elements of art. Students will continue to learn about the principles of art, and will apply them more purposely when making their works of art. Students will review and master the color wheel, complementary colors, intermediate colors, cool and warm colors and will be able to explain how color influence the mind. Students will be able continue to learn and use the language of art , apply visual awareness to the creative process, and begin to evaluate their work using the language of art.

Music 3rd Grade

Trimester I

Curriculum Overview

Performance skills through singing, playing an instrument and movement. Knowledge of music repertoire. Knowledge of critical thinking skills about music through the development of reading and writing skills. Ability to improvise music. Ability to listen to music with understanding. The fundamental skills are considered to be singing, playing simple music instruments, and reading music notation. Certainly performance skills in music are developed as fully as possible. The class is going to experience to sing a round, keeping three points in mind: first students should know the song thoroughly in unison, keeping the beat, and will be able to sing without teacher’s help. Students will be able to pay attention in the expression with which a song is sung. Determining the best tempo and style for a song. Playing an instrument is included so that the students can learn to supplement and enrich a song.

Technology 3rd Grade

Trimester I

Curriculum Overview

In this trimester students review and practice online safety, demonstrate respect for classmates’ digital work and for their opinions posted online. They recognize and report potential online dangers and cyberbullying review and practice the privacy on their email passwords, and continue practicing the safe, responsible sharing of information online. Then students recall the school email account information, they learn about the importance of having a school email, what to do and what not to do while using the school email, and they learn about email basic features and practice Netiquette. Third graders use both hands on the keyboard and fingers in the home row keys, they use appropriated keyboarding web tool to increase speed and accuracy. Finally they are able to sign up in the learning websites for the subjects areas, they keep practicing searching criterias in the appropriate search engines .

Physical Education

3rd Grade

Trimester I

Curriculum Overview

In this Trimestre introduces students to ball handling skills and movement concepts with the sport Basketball. Hand dribbling, passing, receiving(catching) and shooting are the primary skills emphasized.Know and learn apply the rules to play an independent a modified basketball game. Demonstrate good sportsmanship.

Introduce Students to the Volleyball skills game will be practicing and rehearsing all the basic skills and their movement patterns e.g. volley, forearm pass. Circulation Volleyball game, learn movement rotation patterns before rules or stages.

All trimester long students work on general physical development exercises that contribute to acquisition and improvement of physical qualities, such as, speed, strength and agility.

Students demonstrate good sportsmanship. Through this activities students develop and reinforce several personal and social skills associated with responsible behavior, safety ,cooperation ,interpersonal behavior receiving and providing feedback praising and accepting others.