Apply By: February 27, 2024

Interview Date: March 1st, 2024

Interview Time: 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

Hired Future Engineers

Students were interviewed for engineering jobs, each one aspiring to lead a category in Phase III. The chosen ones stepped forward and prepared to take charge of the construction of the future city.

Trains: Urban Rail Systems Engineer

Job Description:

As a Trains Engineer in our future city, you'll be responsible for making sure our trains run smoothly and efficiently. You'll work with a team to design and maintain the train system, ensuring that passengers can travel safely and enjoyably. Get ready to use your creativity to come up with exciting train routes and innovative ideas to improve our city's transportation!

Quantities for an Ideal Candidates:

Ideal candidates for the Trains Engineer role are:

Cars Automotive Engineer

Job Description:

Join the Cars Engineering team and become a vital part of our future city's transportation network. As a Cars Engineer, you'll focus on designing and maintaining the city's car systems.. Get ready to put on your engineering hat and shape the future of our city's cars!

Quantities for an Ideal Candidates:

We're looking for future Cars Engineers who are:

Roads & Bridges: Infrastructure Engineer

Job Description:

Do you have a passion for building things? As a Roads and Bridges Engineer, you'll be responsible for designing and maintaining the infrastructure that connects our city. From sturdy bridges to well-paved roads, your creativity will be key in making sure our citizens can travel safely and easily.  Your job will involve creating efficient roadways, ensuring traffic flows smoothly, and even exploring eco-friendly car options. Join us in creating a strong foundation for our future city!

Quantities for an Ideal Candidates:

The ideal Roads and Bridges Engineers are:

Amusement: Theme Park Mechatronics Engineer

Job Description:

Become a part of the excitement! As an Amusement Park Engineer, your role is to design and create thrilling rides and attractions for our city's amusement park. Work with a team to ensure that every twist, turn, and loop is both fun and safe for all visitors. Let your imagination run wild as you contribute to making our amusement park the highlight of our future city!

Quantities for an Ideal Candidates:

Candidates for the Amusement Park Engineer role should be:

Government Buildings: Architect and Systems Engineer

Job Description:

Join the Government Buildings Engineering team and play a crucial role in shaping the heart of our city. As an engineer for government buildings, you'll be involved in designing structures like city hall and other important offices. Your work will contribute to the functionality and aesthetic appeal of these buildings, ensuring they serve the needs of our citizens effectively.

Quantities for an Ideal Candidates:

We're seeking Government Buildings Engineers who are:

Housing: Structural and Electrical Engineer

Job Description:

Imagine designing the homes of the future! As a Housing Engineer, your role involves creating innovative and comfortable living spaces for the residents of our city. Work with a team to design eco-friendly houses, plan neighborhoods, and make sure everyone has a cozy place to call home. Your creativity and attention to detail will shape the future of our city's housing.

Quantities for an Ideal Candidates:

Ideal Housing Engineers are:

Schools: Tech-Integrated Educational Systems Engineer

Job Description:

Education is key, and as a Schools Engineer, you'll be at the forefront of creating ideal learning environments. Your responsibilities include designing and maintaining school buildings, playgrounds, and classrooms. Join the team that ensures our city's children have the best possible spaces to learn and grow. Get ready to make a positive impact on the future minds of our community!

Quantities for an Ideal Candidates:

Candidates for the Schools Engineer role should be:

Phase II Grading Rubric

Interview Grading Rubric

Interview Rubric

Please refer to the 'Interview Rubric' for a detailed breakdown of the grading criteria for the mock interviews. Be prepared !!