Ayah's Learning Journey

About Me

My name is Ayah. I'm 8.

I'm in 3rd grade.

This year I have read 212 books & 75 articles.🥳

This year I have memorized 29 surahs.🥳 I did soccer and did Swimming and my 3rd Grade teacher is Mr's Lisa. My Favorite Book of the year is The Sisters Grimm: The Problem Child.

Favorite Memory

I enjoyed going to the Atlanta Zoo with my friends because i got to see Animals i did'nt see before


Being part of the Hijah project. 

The play was about Prophet's migration from Makkah to Madina and I was one of the narrators in the play.

Learning / Achievements 

In Math, I learned a new way to do math i learned how to do remainders in math and i learned how to do 3 digit multiplication.