Where can I upload my Out-of-District Professional Development certificates? 

Professional learning sessions during both the summer and school year will be processed and tracked through Eduphoria. Directions on how to submit your PD requests can be found here.

Does New Teacher Academy count towards Flex/Exchange days?

New Teacher Academy on August 2, 3, 4 & 5 DOES count towards the required exchange time.

The T-TESS Initial Training does not count towards professional development hours because that is a required training needed for your certification.

Does CPR training count? 

In the 2021 Anna ISD Professional Development Guidelines, it states, "CPR training can count for 6 hours of flex time for those staff members requiring the certification by policy. This includes the school nurse, athletic coach or sponsor, physical education instructor, marching band director, cheerleading coach, special education teacher (when needed) and any other employee specified by the commissioner." Do any of these apply to you? If so, then the CPR will count. If not, the CPR training will not count towards Flex/Exchange days.

Does Compliance Training count? 

The annual compliance trainings required for educators by TEA (Bloodborne Pathogens, Sexual Harassment, Child Find, McKinney- Vento, etc.) do not count towards exchange time. The district has planned for time during the back-to-school week for you to complete the trainings. The training will be available in Eduphoria on June 1, 2021. If you are able to complete the training before the scheduled time during back-to-school week, you may work in your room. 

How can I check that my Professional Development Hours are correct in Eduphoria?

To view your Professional Development Portfolio in Eduphoria, follow these steps.

What if something is missing from my PD Portfolio?

Directions on how to submit your PD requests can be found here.

My principal said that hours I worked on campus or during Coyote Crossing would count towards the Comp/Flex days. How do I submit those hours?

You need to submit the preapproval of those non-PD hours from your campus principal/administrator. Please do not email Professional Development certificates. You can upload your certificates in Eduphoria by following these steps.

I took college classes this summer. Can I count those classes towards Professional Development hours? 

In accordance with Texas Administrative Code, Title 19, Part 7, Chapter 232, Subchapter A, Rule §232.15, undergraduate and graduate coursework through an accredited college will count towards CPE hours. One semester credit hour is equivalent to 15 CPE hours. For example, a three-credit course is equal to 45 CPE hours. To submit undergraduate and graduate coursework as CPE hours, please submit a copy of your transcript that shows the following: Name of accredited college, name of the undergraduate or graduate course, date of completion and college credit hours earned. You can submit your transcript in Eduphoria by following these steps.

What if I don’t have enough Professional Development hours to meet the requirement?

We've compiled a list of free, online professional development sessions and a list of face-to-face professional development sessions that will count towards the required hours if completed during off-contract hours. In order for these hours to count towards Flex/Exchange time, after the deadline of August 9, you need to complete a Professional Development Plan. To request a professional development plan, please contact Mindi Vandagriff, mindi.vandagriff@annaisd.org.

Can I just come to work on the Exchange days and work in my room?

No, exchange days cannot be used or exchanged for work days. School buildings will be closed on Exchange days.