The Anna ISD Curriculum Camp, which is REQUIRED for all new & returning teaching positions, will give you an opportunity to review the Anna ISD curricula in all subject areas. These four days will satisfy the Exchange Day requirement of 24 hours for the 2022-2023 school year. If you are an elementary specials teacher, your exchange hours will come from Kinder Camp and afternoon planning on Monday and Tuesday for 12 hours. The 12 remaining exchange hours will come from your summer specials conferences and professional development. Specials teachers are not required to attend Curriculum Camp on Wednesday and Thursday.

During Curriculum Camp, you’ll be given 2 hours per day to work on the Annual Compliance Training in Schoology, from 8:00 - 9:00 am and from 3:00 - 4:00 pm. The Compliance Training will be available in Schoology beginning July 1. If you have completed the Compliance Training by Monday, August 1, you may work in your room during those hours. Please note that you must be on campus from 8:00 am - 4:00 pm daily, except during lunch. The detailed schedule for Curriculum Camp and Back to School 2022 will be released by May 20, 2022.