10th Grade Humanities 

This Course will be predominantly using Google Classroom and/or Notebooks for daily coursework 

Section 1 Google Classroom Link:

Section 2 Google Classroom Link: 

Course Syllabus

Peter's 2023 10th Grade Syllabus

Letter of Introduction

Letter of Introduction


Adolescence Project: Fall 2023

Enduring Understandings: 

Project Description:

Part 1 - Who we are? Adolescent Psychology

Adolescents are often depicted in largely negative ways in our society- they are spoken of dismissively, characterized as troublemakers, and their choices, values, and opinions are often scoffed at by adults.  Research, however, shows us that adolescence is a crucially important time in life, when vast changes are happening in the body, brain, and identity—changes that shape the person to come for the rest of their lives.  Adolescence can be turbulent, but it is also a time of enormous potential and great complexity.  To make it even more complicated, adolescence is a cultural construction, so the expectations of this life stage vary drastically across cultures, classes, and historical eras.  Throughout this unit we will learn about brain psychology, read a coming-of-age novel and conduct a mini-research project.

Essential Questions:

Part 2 - Why stories? 

The stories we tell shape our world. Human history has been captured for centuries through oral traditions and storytelling. Stories allow us to develop empathy for other humans, to understand the complex layers of what it means to be human and are powerful tools in creating change. Stories transcend data, they reveal the nuances of living. Looking forward, there are many challenges we will face over the coming century, and the most powerful voices are yours, the next generation. Given this I want you to bring your voice to the stage, the street corner, or in discussions to help the older generations understand why we need a space for adolescent voices in our communities. Through out this unit we will read and listen to stories, learn how to write a powerful story and write personal narratives.

Essential Questions

Model United Nations Project: Winter 2024

Project Description 

Since its creation after World War II, the United Nations has always been a lightning rod for criticism and for hope.  Criticized by many for being bureaucratic and ineffective, the fact remains that the UN is one of the only truly global institutions we have that is focused on trying to make the world a better place. In this project, you will take on the roles of individual nations to try to solve some of the world's most current and pressing issues through the United Nations.  You will be tasked with taking on the perspective of your nation and advocating for its interests, while also attempting to pass real and lasting resolutions that will lead to a more just and peaceful world.  This will require building solid research skills, public speaking and written communication skills, and negotiation skills.  The world is full of problems, and we want you to be the kind of people who seek to solve them.

Enduring Understanding:

Geopolitical dynamics hold intense complexity and, although the UN is a powerful force, it remains a challenge to solve major global issues in a diplomatic way.

Essential Questions:

Poetry Project: Spring 2024 (THIS PROJECT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE)

Project Description

Poetry is a moving writing style that encompasses a huge range of works and styles, from Shakespearean sonnets to Kendrick Lamar's From Shakespearean sonnets to Pablo Neruda's love poems, Homer's "Iliad" to Kendrick Lamar's "Alright". Throughout history poetry has been a powerful medium that can capture audiences, convey the complexities of the human experience and create change. In this project, we will explore both the power and technicalities of poetry. We will read different types of poems, practice a variety of writing techniques and write our own works. Our culminating assignment will be to choose a topics or theme we covered during the year, then write a poem about it that dives into its complexities, how it impacts you and include a call to action.

Essential Questions: 

Enduring Understanding  

Poetry is a form of artistic expression that can be used to capture complex human experiences and captivate audiences