What we offer

A range of choices for our students.

From learning a new sport to sports and physical training.

1. School of Sports

A great opportunity for students to learn a new sport. Different modalities will be part of our range during the year.

This also will help them to raise confidence.

1 period per week

2. Sports Training

These are specific sports training sessions for students that already play some type of sports.

Our aim is not specialisation in a single sport, it is to improve tactics, strategy, and better use of their body applicable to different sports.

1 period per week

3. Physical training

Balance is the keyword here.

We offer Physical Training sessions for sports in general.

Our aim is to improve and help students to build a stronger, balanced, stable, and healthy body.

1 period per week

Support for our students and staff and events to raise the sporty culture are part of what we offer in our Sports-PRO

Tutor program

A tutoring program for our athletics.

The aim of this mentoring programme is to support our students to build a healthy sports routine and also set sports goals.

At this age, it is extremely important balancing between all the leisure activities and training sessions.

An online portfolio will be used for record data.

Meetings - every two months

Professional development (PD)

We deliver professional development sessions to support those teachers that are passioned about sports.

Giving teachers tools and skills for then to use in their classes.

Happening during the year

Sporty culture*

This is not about a specific event or training session. This is an organic and ongoing construction of a sporty culture @ANI.

Part of our daily "ANI life"

Sporty culture

Understanding what this is in action

"Star day - Superbowl"

In term 1, we have a full day of sports and outdoor activities in a whole-school event.

A great way to start our Sporty year.

ANI Olympics

A full olympics @ANI. This week event involves both years 7 and 8. The classrooms have to be Organised and prepared to have fun, and maybe win.

Friendly sports games

A range of friendly games organised throughout the whole year. Different year levels, skill levels and lots of social meetings with different schools.

Sporty day

From term 2 and onwards, we will have a full day of sports. Half a day for each year level with a rotation between different sports.

Students will play an array of sports, some of which they will not be familiar with.

Half-day of fun for each year level in a big rotation.

Sports management

Understanding that some students may not be a huge fan of playing sports and also that sports represent a big marketing [working area], students also will have the possibility to be involved in a 'fixed' term [or more than one] in the sports organisation. These students will be related to sports in their own way.

School- Wide Sporting Events

Superbowl (Term 1)

Swimming Sports (Term 1)

ANI Olympics (Term 2

Cross Country (Term 3)

Athletics day (Term 4)

Want find out more about our sport calendar?