
Yardsticks - 5 Year Olds

In the book, Yardsticks, author Chip Wood calls for teachers and parents to honor children's developmental needs by offering age-by-age narratives and charts that clearly and concisely depict children's typical developmental characteristics. Below you will find a table from Yardsticks about 5-year-olds' growth patterns.


How Can I Help My Child Be Successful?

Here you will find a wonderful list of things you can do to help your child be successful in school! I cannot emphasize enough how important it is to READ everyday!!​

Kindergarten Common Core "I Can" Standards

Below you will find the kindergarten standards in 'kid-friendly' format - presented as a checklist!

And here is a parent overview, which includes ideas for helping your child learn at home:

Inventive Spelling

I absolutely love this note about 'inventive spelling', which refers to young children's attempts to use their best judgments about spelling based on their understanding of letters and sounds. The written form of a inventively-spelled word often will contain the letters of the sounds a child hears when he or she says a word. Inventive spelling is part of a developmental process and children should be encouraged to write often!
