
Lesson Topic: Focusing Attention

October 3rd, 2022

Today was a fun day of learning to be listeners in Kindergarten! Kindergarten is getting started with our Second Step Curriculum. The first focus area we cover is learning to focus our attention. In order to be great learners in the classroom, we need to be able to focus our attention on the speaker. We learned that this can be challegning, especially if we have been sitting for a while, we're tired, or antsy. We learned about a tool we can use to help us focus our attention. Our attent-o-scope! We put up our hands around our eyes and create binoculars, when we feel we are struggling to pay attention, we can remember to grab our attent-o-scope, focus in on the speaker and regain focus. We ended our lesson, coloring a picture of what it looks like to focus attention.

Another great day of learning in kindergarten!

Lesson 2: Habit 1: Be proactive

Today in Kindergarten, we had two very special guests help with our lesson! Two of our 4th grade Student Lighthouse members came in to teach a lesson on our habit of the month, be proactive!

They started their lesson with reading the story "Just the Way I am" by, Sean Covey. This story is about a porcupine who was sad that a friend at school was making fun of his quills. Another friend explained that as a porcupine, he is supposed to have quills. His quills make him unique and special. He learned he is in charge of how he reacts to the bully and how he views himself. Our 4th grade helpers asked students some discussion questions after the story:

  1. Why was Pokey sad?

  2. What did Pokey's friends do to try to make him feel better?

  3. What helped Pokey like his quills again?

  4. Has anyone ever said something to you that hurt your feelings? What did you do about it? Who is in chage of being happy or sad?

To end the class, students practiced writing out habit one and tracing the letters. Our 4th graders came around to help.

It was a fun day in Kindergarten!

Lesson 1: Meet the counselor

August 30th, 2022

I am so excited to get to know our Kindergartener's this year! I know many from preschool last year, but will get to know them all much better this year by seeing them weekly during guidance!

I brought a special guest with me for this lesson. Our school therapy dog, Kira! I believe it is important for our younger students to learn how to interact with Kira and all animals. It's an important self-control skill. The kid's were very excited for her to join us!

Another special guest popped in to our lesson. Officer Melissa! Officer Melissa was coming through our school and decided to come by and say hello to the kindergartener's . They got to ask questions about her gear, her K-9 and much more!

To end our time, we played a fun ice breaker. Student's closed their eyes and picked a colored marker. Each color had different questions students had to answer. A few example questions:

"What was your favorite memory from this summer?"

"What makes you a good friend?"

"If you could choose a superpower, what would it be?"

This is always a fun way to start the year. Student's learn new things about one another and practice actively listening.

Next week, I hope to explain a bit more about what the School Counselor role is here at Andrew and get started with our first lesson on learning to listen!