This website is a work of speculative fiction. Built as part of Stuart Candy's Spring 2021 Experiential Futures course at CMU.


Bias is embedded in everything.

We believe it is irresponsible to separate human from AI because they are our creations, after all, and therefore, a reflection of our own values and biases.

Historically, AI systems were created behind the high walls of government and private organizations, so its worldview reflected those of its creators. And as we have seen time and time again, the most marginalized communities always shoulder the harms of this practice.

But we will no longer stand for this.

Our Algorithmic Auditing team, led by algorithmic bias researcher Timnit Gebru and computer scientist Joy Buolamwini, is highly attuned to uncovering and recognizing potential sources of bias, and we are fully prepared to hold the coalition accountable.