Call for papers


Recent developments in ML present exciting opportunities in business areas. For example, deep reinforcement learning could be used for sequential coupon assignments, state-of-art NLP models (e.g., BERT) could better examine consumer-generated text data for marketers or job postings data to inform economists about the future of work. On the other hand, ML also poses challenges that prevent many algorithms from being widely adopted in business applications such as deficiencies in interpretability, auditability, and unintended biases.

This workshop aims to bring the ML and business communities together to discuss the opportunities and challenges for ML in business. We focus on the following topics:

  • Novel applied machine learning research that improves the consumer and market value: ML applications in fintech, e-commerce, MOOC online education, education, healthcare, social media, ad/promotion targeting, trading, B2B market, blockchain, future of work, etc

  • Empirical studies that reveal and ameliorate unintended harms of machine learning technology in consumer and marketing application: lack of interpretability, trust, auditability; biased ML algorithms

  • Novel machine learning methodology that mitigates risks and roadblocks of ML in consumer and marketing application: Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI)

  • Injecting consumer behavior and market insights into ML algorithm

Format options

We invite contributions on the topics listed below in 2 formats:

  • Extended abstracts (1 page excluding references) and

  • Short papers (up to 4 pages excluding references).

For both submission formats, we discourage the authors from submitting any supplementary material and we can't guarantee that this material will be reviewed.

The CMT paper submission system will allow authors to indicate the track (short paper OR abstract) during submission.

Submission guidelines

All submissions must be PDFs formatted in the Standard ACM Conference Proceedings Template. All accepted papers will be presented as posters and some would be selected for oral presentations, depending on schedule constraints. Accepted papers will be posted on the workshop website.

Authors should clearly indicate in their abstracts the kinds of submissions that the papers belong to, to help reviewers better understand their contributions. Reviews are single-blind. Please include author names and affiliations in your submission.

Submissions for both abstracts and short papers can be done at the Submission Site.

Important dates (Time: Anywhere on Earth)

  • CMT portal opens: April 15th, 2021

  • Submission deadline: May 10th, 2021 May 31th, 2021

  • Author notification: June 10th, 2021 June 19th, 2021