
Rohan Agarwal

Rohan is a graduate student at the Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University. He is advised by Dr. Jun-Yan Zhu. Before joining CMU, he worked as an engineer at Qualcomm in their Multimedia and Graphics Group. His research is focused on realizing scalable, intelligent vision systems, especially in the fields of generative modeling and computational photography.

Anirudh is a graduate student pursuing his Master of Science in Computer Vision (MSCV) at Carnegie Mellon University. He is advised by Dr. Deva Ramanan. He completed his undergraduate degree in Computer Science at BITS Pilani, India. He interned at Harvard VCG under the supervision of Dr. Hanspeter Pfister where he worked on improving mask quality for video instance segmentation and published work at CVPR’21 and CVPR’22. He also worked with Dr. Narendra Ahuja at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign CVRL on detecting vital signs from RGB videos. His work at the National University of Singapore with Dr. Mohan Kankanhalli involved detecting and purifying adversarial attacks using contrastive learning methods.

Shefali is a first-year graduate student in the Robotics Institute at Carnegie Mellon University pursuing Master’s in Computer Vision. From 2018-2021, she worked at Adobe Systems as a software developer. Her work primarily involved designing components for the Adobe Experience Platform to aid research in customer profiles. In 2017, she worked under the supervision of Dr. Suchendra M. Bhandarkar in the Visual and Parallel Computing lab at The University of Georgia where she worked on Image Correspondences and Template Matching.