Welcome to Orchestra at Southwood Academy of the Arts Middle School!

Celeste Griffith, Teacher

Orchestra Schedule

8th Grade - Block 1 - 8:25 - 9:50

Griffith Planning Block 2 - 9:55 - 11:30

7th Grade - Block 3 11:30 AM - 12:17 PM - 7th Class

12:17 PM - 1:00 PM Lunch 7th Grade

1:00 - 1:45 PM - 7th Class

6th Grade - Block 4 - 1:55 PM - 3:15 PM

Important Dates

December 13, 7:30 PM - Orchestra Concert Southwood PAC

January 7 - All State Orchestra Auditions

January 26 - All County Clinic

February 24-26 - All State Orchestra, Summerville, Cane Bay High School

March 9-10 - CPA Wade Hampton High School

March 15-19 - Orlando National Orchestra Festival Trip, 7th and 8th Grade

May 5-6 - Solo and Ensemble Festival

May 22 - Orchestra Concert, Southwood PAC

Orlando Trip - National Orchestra Festival

We have been invited to participate in the National Orchestra Festival! It will be held in Orlando, Florida. We will attend the NOF and also go to Universal Studios. The total cost of the trip is $890. This price includes all meals, hotel, park admission for 2 days, and bus transportation. We will do lots of fundraising.

Trip Dates: March 15-19

There is a $100. non-refundable deposit due August 31. You may click this lnk to pay this deposit.

Mrs. Griffith's Orchestra Schedule Materials Needed

1st Block 8th Grade Orchestra Instrument 2nd Block Planning Rosin 3rd Block - 7th Grade/Lunch Shoulder Rest (violin/viola) or Rock Stop (cello/bass) 4th Block - 6th Grade Orchestra Essential Elements Method Book 1 - 6th grade

PE Day will be Friday.

All County Orchestra Information

Auditions - Will be recorded by Mrs. Griffith this year. Recordings will be done by November 13.

All County Orchestra, Thursday, January 28 -Location Planned for Wren High School. Things could change.

Audition Excerpts will be on Google Classroom and you can get them form Mrs. Griffith.

Region Orchestra

Region Orchestra Auditions this year will be on January 9, 2021. We are part of Region 2 in South Carolina.

Here is the Region 2 website.


Bernhardt House of Violins: https://www.bernhardtviolins.com/

Shar Music: sharmusic.com

Covid Orchestra