Episode 16:

Creating Success with MTSS

iTalks 16: Creating Success with MTSS

Brenda Kelley, Executive Director of Early Childhood and Elementary Instructional Services

Dr. Lisa Lipscomb, Special Education Coordinator and Lead School Psychologist

Dr. Tiffany Osborne, Associate Principal of Glenview Middle School

January 2022

The podcast intro music was composed by Jayden Acker, an 8th grader at Southwood Academy of the Arts.

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Episode Resources:

On May 18, 2018, Governor Henry McMaster (SC) signed into law Act 213, which directed districts to implement MTSS beginning in the 2019–20 school year. MTSS addresses the needs of the whole child – academically, behaviorally, socially, and emotionally – through a holistic and personalized system of learning that incorporates academics and social-emotional behavior into one framework.

As mentioned in this podcast, this legislation was in direct response to Act 284.

Every South Carolina local educational agency and state-operated programs will implement and sustain all components of a MTSS, so that all students will achieve the Profile of the South Carolina Graduate.


More information from the SCDOE on MTSS can be found HERE.

MTSS Tiers QUICK Overview

  • Tier 1: All Students (School-Wide)

  • Tier 2: Target Assistance for Individual(s) and/or Small Groups

  • Tier 3: Intensive Supports for <10% of the school population

This description was taken from Dr. Tiffany Osborne during the recording of this A5 iTalks podcast.

Need more help from our experts? Reach out to them by clicking their name/image below.

Executive Director of Early Childhood and Elementary Instructional Services

Anderson School District Five

Special Education Coordinator and Lead School Psychologist

Anderson School District Five

Associate Principal

Glenview Middle School : Anderson School District

RESOURCES mentioned in this Podcast:

The A5 MTSS Google Drive is only accessible to Anderson School District Five Teachers. If you are an Anderson Five teacher and cannot access it from the link above please contact Dr. Lisa Lipscomb.


PBIS isn’t a curriculum you purchase or something you learn during a one-day professional development training. It is a commitment to addressing student behavior through systems change. When it’s implemented well, students achieve improved social and academic outcomes, schools experience reduced exclusionary discipline practices, and school personnel feel more effective.


ABC's of Dropout Prevention

"Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all."


Anderson Five Liaisons and Supports

  • Lisa Bulter: McKinney Homeless Liaison (864) 260-5000 (10154)

  • A5 Schools' Psychologists (all direct line contacts are included)

QUOTABLES from this Episode

"MTSS is the definitive way of how children experience success and that success continues to blossom. MTSS is imperative to academic and social-emotional learning." - Brenda Kelley

"MTSS is using data and using it with intentionality. Then, to employ services in an intentional way. And then, it's going back and reviewing the data to see what works. So, we're not just doing this with this child or that child...it's all done with a lot of intentionalities." - Dr. Lisa Lipscomb

"MTSS is not just something we stick on a wall or in a folder somewhere...it's what we do, and what we're already doing. - Dr. Tiffany Osborne