User Name and Password

Your username and password have been issued to you by your school and these cannot be changed. Your child's teacher can provide you with your child's username and password. Your username will normally start with 2 letters and 4 numbers, followed by The two letters with be the first letter of your first name and the first letter of your last name. For example: John Smith's username would look something like this:

Your school issued password that goes with your school username will begin with ad4 followed by 5 numbers. For example: ad4173406

Students are encouraged to have digital citizenship. This is one of our computer science standards for Anderson School District 4. Digital citizenship responsible behavior in regard to technology use. At La France we practice digital citizenship by educating the students on the importance of keeping their password safe and private. A students password and login information should only be used by them and not given for others to use. When a student is signed into their school account the websites accessed are saved under their profile. Therefore it is important that every student sign out when they have completed each computer session.

Signing into your school account

When you sign into your gmail with your Anderson School District 4 information you are now signed into your school profile. This is the first step in accessing all of your Google Apps. You can sign into your school profile, through gmail, whether you are on a personal device or a school issued chromebook. Below you will find a summary of how to sign in. This method will work for signing in on a Chromebook as well as signing in on a device that is not your Chromebook. Below you will find two videos that demonstrate how to sign into your school email. The first video demonstrates signing into your school email on your school issued Chromebook. The second video demonstrates signing into your school email on a device other than your Chromebook.

Signing Into Your School Email

If you are signing into your account with your Chromebook you will need to power on and sign in to the Chromebook. If you are on a device other than your Chromebook you can skip to this second step. You will need to open up a web browser and go to At the top right hand of the screen you should see the "nine dots of awesome". Click on these nine dots. Below is a picture of the nine dots of awesome. A menu will pop up that has all of the Google Apps.

Click on the nine dots and you will see a menu pop up that has all of the Google Apps. Click on the Gmail App. The GMail App symbol looks like this:

Below you will find a video that demonstrates accessing your Gmail App. This is your school email.


Signing into your school email with a device other than your Chromebook

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