Day 23

April 22, 2020

Second Grade Assignments for Day 23

  1. 15 minutes of Lexia

  2. Optional Today- 15 minutes of Reflex

  3. Reading Response- Submit responses HERE or send a picture to your teacher. (More info. below) This should include 15 minutes of reading before the response.

SS 102
Money Word Problems Day 23

Please submit your response using the link above. Each day students need to write a response using one of the guidelines below:

Fiction/Fantasy - If you read a picture book or a chapter from a fiction book, answer these questions:

  1. Who were the characters in your book/chapter?

  2. What was the setting?

  3. What was the plot? (beginning, middle, end)

  4. What was the problem?

  5. What was the solution?

  6. What is a question you’d like to ask one of the characters?

Non-Fiction/Informational - Use these questions for non-fiction reading:

  1. List three facts you learned from what you read.

  2. List three opinions you have about what you read.

  3. Write three questions that you have about what you read.

Want to switch it up? Is your child getting bored with the same reading responses? If so, consider the following options in the place of the reading response writing....

If your child chooses to do one of the following that cannot be submitted on a Google Form, please send a picture of what your child has done via text, remind or e-mail. You will find that information in the "teacher Information" tab at the top of this page.

1. Illustrate something from the story that wasn’t illustrated in the book.

2. Write a letter to one of the characters telling how you felt about something that they did or said.

3. Build something from the story that you thought was interesting.

4. Create a diagram from a non-fiction book you read. Make sure and label all the parts of what you’ve drawn.

5. Make a diorama to go along with your book (fiction or non-fiction). (You may need to google ‘diorama’.)

6. Write about your favorite part of the story. Tell three reasons why you really liked that part of the story.

7. Write about something that you disliked about the story. Tell three reasons why you really didn’t like that part of the story.

8. Design a new cover for the book.. Make sure you include the author’s and illustrator’s names.

9. Write a new ending for the story. Not just a new last page, but change the way the plot ends. Try to include dialogue (characters talking to one another.)

10. A good book will involve all of your senses. Imagine some of the ways the book you’ve read would have engaged each of your senses if you could have stepped inside:

a. sight – What are some interesting things you would have seen if you were part of the book?

b. smell – What are some scents you may have encountered?

c. taste – Did anyone eat or drink anything in the story? If so, do you think you would have liked it?

d. touch – Were there any objects that you would have liked to touch from the book? What do you think they would have felt like?

e. hearing – What were some sounds you probably would have heard? Be creative with this one. Don’t say, “Characters talked to each other.” Think of things characters did or things that took place that would have made noises.