About Technology Class

Anchorage students receive one 60 minute class per week. Mrs. Odle is excited to expand your student's learning in technology by exploring videography, coding, robots, 2D & 3D design, Google Apps and more!

About Mrs. Odle

Mrs. Odle graduated from Utah State University with a Bachelor's Degree in Elementary Education in 2016. She has lived in Kentucky since 2016 and loves it here! Mrs. Odle loves technology and she is excited to share her knowledge with your students!

About Mrs. Bowman

Mrs. Bowman graduated from the University of Kentucky with majors in Elementary and Special Education. She later earned her Master's Degree in Library and Media Science. She is married and has four children, one granddaughter and two doggies. She loves all sorts of outdoor activities - especially ones involving water and she is always on the move going to events, plays, musical performances or visiting her children.

About Mrs. Meg

Mrs. Meg also graduated from the University of Kentucky with majors in Elementary and Special Education. She later earned her Master's Degree in Gifted Education and Learning & Brain Theory from U of L. She is married and has two great sons and two crazy cats. She loves learning about new and fun ways to make technology part of learning and enjoys working with the students, parents and her staff family at Anchorage.

We knew we'd be friends from the day Mrs. Bowman interviewed Mrs. Meg to work at APS!

Class Goals

    • Keyboarding: Students will be able to type fluently, learn computer functions, format text, and discover how to interact in many online environments.
    • Presentation Skills: Students will be able to use G-Suite tools as a springboard to the use of other programs and apps. This includes, but is not limited to, Google Drive, Docs, Slides, Sheets, Forms, etc.
    • Digital Citizenship: Students will gain an understanding of human, cultural and societal issues related to technology and practice legal and ethical behavior using teacher approved apps and websites.
    • Tools for Creation: Students will be able to effectively use and select appropriate tools for responsibly gathering information, sharing learning, creating new products or solving problems.
    • Coding & Design: Students will demonstrate creative and critical thinking skills as they develop innovative products and processes using technology and programming.

Class Expectations

    • Successfully complete technology assignments and projects.
    • Use all technology and equipment safely and properly and abide by the school acceptable use policy..
    • Demonstrate exemplary behavior.
    • Rubrics, written assignments and digital assignments will be used to assess student skills and evaluate completed projects.
    • Listen to and follow directions.
    • Keep a positive attitude toward learning new skills and applying technology.
    • Work well both individually or in collaborative groups.