Miss Interiano's Busy Bees

 Learning and Exploring Through Our Technology Projects

This website will showcase my current and past students' beautiful work. Students have created a series of projects using different digital platforms such as pixton, book creator, canva and padlet. 

Our different media platforms, has allowed for every learner to have an opportunity to showcase their ideas and express themselves. It motivates students to continue displaying their creativity despite their own language or learning challenges. Using technology has helped each student reach their goal. 

About me

My name is Miss Interiano and I am passionate about learning and exploring the world. My curiosity and hunger for learning is what lead me to become a teacher. I want to inspire students' to become excited about learning about the world around them and take any opportunity that may present itself. I want students' to learn how to express themselves in any media of their choice and believe that they are capable of doing anything they set their minds to do.