Lesson 3

Jobs and occupations

In the following video we talk about vocabulary of professions in English

In this video you can learn a lot about all the functions that each job has. In addition, it includes many images that represent each action.

Below you will find a fun activity that consists of searching for all the words related to the different jobs. try to find it in the least time possible.

Here are some expressions that can help identify the characteristics of other jobs


Example: I need to visit the doctor because I feel sick.

Expression: "An apple a day keeps the doctor away."


Example: The journalist covered the Winter Olympics.

Expression: "Report someone or something."


Example: Did you talk to the builder about the problem with the wall

Expression: "Build something from something".


Example: The boy always wanted to be a musician, so his father bought him a guitar.

Expression: "Music for someone's ears".


Example: My dad cooks like a chef.

Expression: "Too many chefs in the kitchen."


Example: My teacher is very good. I always understand everything she explains.

Expression: "Experience is the best teacher."

Additional Information


Portray fictional characters, with informational or entertainment penalties, in movies, television, commercials, theater, theme parks, and clubs. To do this, they make use of their voices, bodies and gestures. In order to be selected for a role, starring or supporting, they must attend auditions before Cast Directors.

Much of the actors' job opportunities are in the film, television, theater and audiovisual products industries; however, there is also a possibility that they will be hired as acting teachers in drama schools.

Daily work

  1. Work together with your Representative.

  2. Prepare to attend auditions.

  3. Study and memorize the script.

  4. Perform in front of an audience or in a studio.