Monelison Middle School Newsletter
2020 - 2021
Hello Trojans!
Wow! This second semester is flying by! We are already in May and are in the time of year for SOL testing. Please reference the Upcoming Events below for our SOL testing dates. Also, now is the time to sign up for Summer School! Summer school will be like no other this year! We will be providing remediation on the needed English and Math Skills but also will be providing some awesome learning opportunities for our students in the form of real world problems! The first week of Summer school will have a CSI: Forensics theme while the second week we will be diving into looking at our carbon footprints. Composting and gardening will be just some of the things we will be looking at creating and doing! Week three is going to be all about athletics! Please complete the form to sign your student up or Summer School: Have a rising 9th grader?? See the information for summer school at ACHS below!
Thank you for all of your support this year! We could not do it without you! I appreciate you giving us the opportunity to work with your children this year! If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to me (434)846-1307.
Mrs. Gray, Principal
Upcoming Events:
May 9 Mother's Day
May 10/11 Physical Science SOL (Grade 7)
May 10 MMS Soccer @ Appomattox 5:00
May 12/13 Earth Science SOL (Grade 8)
May 12 School Nurse Appreciation Day
May 17/18 Reading 6 and 7 SOL
May 19/20 Reading 8 SOL
May 20 MMS Track @ Linkhorne (5:00)
May 24/25 Math 6 and 7 SOL
May 26/27 Pre- Algebra & Algebra 1 SOL
May 28- ACHS Graduation for Seniors
May 31 Memorial Day (No School)
June 14 - July 2 Summer School
SOL Testing Dates:
May 10 (A day)/May 11 (B day) Physical Science 8 (Grade 7 students)
May 12 (A day)/May 13 (B day) Earth Science (Grade 8 students)
May 17 (A day)/May 18 (B day) Reading (Grade 6 and Grade 7 students)
May 19 (A day)/May 20 (B day) Reading (Grade 8 students)
May 24 (A day)/May 25 (B day) Math (Grade 6 and Grade 7 students)
May 26 (A day)/ May 27 (B day) Math 8 and Algebra 1 (Grade 8 students and some Grade 7 students)
June 1 - 4 Expedited Retakes
ARA Students will SOL test on Fridays. Admin and Guidance will be reaching out to ARA families.
MAP Testing window is from June 1 - 8 (Reading and Math only)
Work at Home DAYS:
Just a reminder that students (both ARA and Face to face) have assignments and instruction for 5 days of the week that need to be completed. All teachers have been directed to provide students with instruction and activities for Monday - Friday. Please be sure to check and make sure that students are completing their assignments in CANVAS and Google Classroom.
exciting news:
All students at Monelison will receive a free breakfast and lunch this year! All students will be eating lunch in their classrooms. We also have lunch pickup from 11:00-12:00 Monday - Thursday.
School Hours: 10:00-4:00
For Car Riders:
Drop off Times in the morning: Students can be dropped off starting at 9:30 if they are car riders. Students will then report directly to their Advisory period. Advisory period is from 9:40-10:05. Car riders will be asked if they have completed their daily self health screening. If that has not been done, parents will be asked to circle around and come back after the screening is complete.
Pick up time in the afternoon is from 4:00-4:15. Car riders will be picked up in the front circle.
Summer School At Amherst County High School (Rising 9th graders)
Do you like hands-on learning? If you are interested in mysteries, building projects, and sports, then Amherst County High School has the summer program for you. Rising 9th grade students are invited to come to ACHS for this program. They will learn their way around the school at the same time as doing this fun and exciting program. We will be exploring the following themes in our summer program:
We will investigate unsolved mysteries, build an aquaponics system, design raised garden beds, construct outdoor seating, install quail habitat, and have an Olympic competition. This program is not your typical summer school program.
Summer School will be June 14 - July 2, from 9:00 am - 3:00 pm each day. Transportation will be provided, if requested by May 20. Please fill out the Google Form below to sign up for this exciting summer program.
We look forward to seeing you in June!