
We have a lot of great eBooks available in our Elon library catalog, so check them out!

You can access them anywhere you can reach the internet.

How To Access eBooks in Destiny

Destiny is on the District Webpage. Look down at the bottom of the left hand column.

Destiny is the second choice under Students and Staff

  • Destiny eBooks

Staff: Log into Destiny - Your username is your first initial and your last name

Students: Log into Destiny - Your username is your first initial, middle initial, last name and the last two numbers of your student (lunch) number

For staff the password is staff

For students the password is student

The easiest way to access them is to click on Destiny Discover (under the catalog tab). eBooks are about halfway down the page

  • Lerner Digital

You should be able to play them once you are logged in.

  • Capstone Interactive Library

You should be able to play them once you are logged in.

  • Audiobooks

You should be able to play them once you are logged in. They are AUDIO only

  • Interactive eBooks

You should be able to play them once you are logged in.

  • Mackin eBooks (stored on the Mackin site)


Once you get to the site you will type in Elon and a drop down menu will come up. Click on our school; enter the username and password.

User ID


