Parent Teacher Conference Sign-Up

How to sign up / Come iscriverti


Choose a preferred AVAILABLE time.

Scegliete un orario,


Write your child's FIRST NAME and LAST INITIAL in the space.

scrivendo il nome dei vostri figli (e solamente l’iniziale del cognome per la protezione della privacy) in una casella libera.


Please enter this exact email address "" when asked to enter your email and click the green +Join button. DO NOT USE YOUR PERSONAL EMAIL ACCOUNT.

Inserite l’indirizzo email "" e selezionate il pulsante verde "+Join". NON UTILIZZARE IL TUO INDIRIZZO EMAIL PERSONALE.


Conferences will be in your child's homeroom class. You can also meet with the single-subject teachers who will be available over the course of the day in the atelier, you do not need to book a time for this encounter.

Primary Homerooms

Conferences will be in your child's homeroom class. Please leave transition times to get to other optional single subject teacher conferences.

Primary Specialists, Italian,

EAL and Learning Support

Art conferences will be in the primary art studio on the lower level.

Music will be in the music room near the big pitch.

PE conferences will be held in the gym.

Rooms for Italian Meetings:

Ms. Paola (G1 IAL; 2B & 4Z Full; G3 & G5 IAL1), Mr. Francesco (G3, G4 & G5 Italian Math; 4S & 5W Full ) Ms. Guarnieri (1C, 2P & 5N Full; G3 IAL2; G4 IAL1) will be in the Italian Room (#110) on the 1st floor.

Ms. Giovanna (G2 IAL; 3R, 4M & 5P Full) Ms. Alessandra (G2 IAL) & Ms. Annamaria (1V, 2C, 3V Full; G4 IAL1; G5 IAL 2), will be in the Atrium Library.

Rooms for EAL and Learning Support Meetings:

Ms. Becky (G1) and Ms. Curria (G5) will be in the Junior Library

Ms. Annamaria (G2) will be in the EAL room on the 1st floor.

Ms. Izzy/Ms. Chiara (G3) & Ms. Eileen (G4) will be in the Atrium Library

Ms. Jackie, Ms. Eleni and Mr. Damiano will be in the Learning Support room on 1st floor