Support for Military Connected Families

Support for Military Connected Families

The Amanda-Clearcreek Local School District recognizes that students of military families have unique needs and wishes to provide them as much support as possible. 

The Amanda-Clearcreek Local School District appreciates the sacrifices that our men and women in the military make every day.  In an effort to increase resources and lessen the burden of service to these families, Amanda-Clearcreek has established a single point of contact for military families and is providing this webpage as a repository for helpful resources.   All staff members within the Amanda-Clearcreek Local School District will receive annual training in order to understand and better support the challenges of military families.

Each year, our school district is proud to host Veteran's Day events in every school recognizing the importance and honoring the sacrifices made by our current and former military community members.  In addition to annual recognition events, Amanda-Clearcreek High School maintains a recognition wall in the cafetorium.  The high school also actively works with local veteran service organizations in order to award diplomas to veterans who were unable to complete high school due to their military service obligations.

If you have specific questions or needs regarding support for military connected students, please reach out to our contacts below.



Resolution 257.22 

Approved 16 November 2022

Motion to approve the submittal of Amanda-Clearcreek Local Schools’ application to the Ohio Department of Education for the Purple Star Designation. This program recognizes schools who recognize and support the sacrifice of our military families. This resolution publicizes the school’s support for military children and families.

WHEREAS, the Board of Education of the Amanda-Clearcreek Local School District recognizes and appreciates the service of our military men and women in support of the defense of our nation; and, 

WHEREAS, the Board of Education of this district currently recognizes this sacrifice through Veteran’s Day programs for current and past military members, awarding of military service for current employees, and the presentation of diplomas for eligible World War II, Korean, and Vietnam veterans; and, 

WHEREAS, the Board of Education acknowledges that active military families in the fulfillment of their duties to our nation face unique challenges including frequent deployments, relocations, and the like; and, 

WHEREAS, the Board of Education wishes to further improve the support, understanding, and outreach for the military families attending our schools; and 

NOW BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education of the Amanda-Clearcreek Local School District affirms a commitment to support our military families and is dedicated to providing resources and programs, which could benefit students and families academically, socially, and emotionally; and 

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Amanda-Clearcreek Local School District shall continue to develop programming to ease the burden of service for military families by both raising the level of understanding and support by the staff members of this district and continuing to celebrate military service in our community.

Resources for Military Connected Students

District Contacts for Military Connected Families

Amanda-Clearcreek Local School District Military Single Point of Contact

Keena Rich


Student Support Contacts

Julie Feliciano
