Eli Rigatuso

My Connection

I support or care for someone with Alzheimer’s.

My Inspiration

My Mom

How I Stay Strong

Through the support groups and programs of the Alzheimer's Association. Through my sister who took care of mom in her home the first three years after Mom's diagnosis and continues to provide support. Being able to share about our experience means the world. Lots of reading! Lots of trial and error! Extended family, friends, and others who have walked this journey who have shared their experience.

My Advice to Others

Buckle Up! This is going to be a wild ride! Never give up hope. Your loved one is still your loved one and being consistent and showing up will bring you miracle moments.

My #ENDALZ Battle Cry

“Remain present! Don’t leave before the miracle happens.”

See Eli in Action!

Join Eli in his fight to end alzheimer's