Join the Alwoodley Low-Carbon Homes Club!

In Alwoodley, our homes are responsible for 27% of our carbon footprint, each of us emitting an averaging  3.4 t CO2e from our home energy use per year. This is among the highest emission rates from homes in the city.   Working together to reduce these emissions can make a meaningful difference to the city's drive to zero carbon.  Are you interested in doing what you can to reduce the carbon footprint of your home?  Are you keen to undertake eco-positive home refurbishment, and to be able to have a community of  like-minded Alwoodley residents to support your journey?  

Join the Alwoodley Low-Carbon Homes Club!

It's a simple model:

 Click here to pledge and join the club!

We invite you to take a look at the data for carbon emissions in Alwoodley v other wards.

Upcoming Club Events and Activities (Final details and Dates TBD)

March: Launch Low-Carbon Homes Club! We hope that up to 20 people will make a pledge and access the free HERO assessment, and will engage as a support network to reduce the carbon footprint of our homes. 

1st May.  Buckstones Eco-Refurbishment Neighbour to Neighbour Info Share. Local resident, Sarann, has had a home assessment and has undertaken work to reduce her home's carbon footprint. At this informal gathering, Sarann will share what she learned from the report and what home improvements she had done (including advice on materials and tradespeople). This will be particularly useful for people who live in semis in the Buckstones area (or similar housing stock elsewhere). We'll also share info on locan and national initiatives to help you make these changes to your home. 

In addition to these, we will be setting up a number of opportunities over the year for people to come together and talk to each other and learn from others who have done considerable work in this field. We will post details of our first meeting in the near future. 

Our Growing Map of Low Carbon Homes Club Members (Post Code Only - We Won't Publish Exact Location)