
Harlow came to us when a wonderful couple took her inside during a nasty winter. Originally they believed she was a boy, so we arrived to administer vaccines and do a general wellness check. Upon arrival, she looked like a volleyball! Having a quick feel around her tum, it was realised that she was not, in fact a he but a very pregnant she. A few weeks after being brought into our direct care, she had her babies and was a wonderful mum.

It was discovered during that time that Harlow is simply not a "regular" cat. Thinking that perhaps she was simply in need of a less chaotic foster situation (she was staying with the Director, who does the bulk of the fostering due to lack of foster homes), she was placed with a foster home which, put politely, was not a good match. She was then moved to another foster home which was absolutely delightful, but it was there that we learned that she is not a good match for a home with small kids. (Thank you AGAIN to her wonderful foster family there though, you were a godsend!) So, back to the Director's house she went. Over the course of her stay with the Director, it's been determined that Harlow, should she ever be adopted out, would need a guardian who understands that she is definitely not your average cat. She gets overstimulated very easily and will attack, scratching and biting, growling and kicking. She does show restraint though, as though she knows that this could hurt the person she is attacking but she doesn't want that to happen. So she "pulls her punches", so to speak, clearly restraining herself from biting hard enough to break skin and you can feel her trying to draw in her claws. It's a very surreal experience, and for that reason we cannot reasonably place her in another home without knowing the guardian very well.

If you wish to help sponsor Harlow's care, click here to make a monthly donation.