Nelson Elementary Summer Reading 2021

Summer is just around the corner! Did you know that, on average, 25% of all kindergarten through fifth grade students have at least an entire reading level drop from May to September? Students engaged in summer reading for pleasure are less likely to lose reading proficiency over the summer months. Read for fun this summer!

Visit the public library and the Alvin Book Bus.

Check out online read alouds and e-books.

Write a letter to your favorite author.

Draw a picture of your favorite book.

We would love your child to read as much as possible this summer! As your child reads, please color in each day your student reads at least 15 minutes. If your child returns the reading log, showing they accomplished this summer reading goal, they will have the opportunity to attend our Summer Reading Celebration in the fall!

Please return this calendar at the beginning of the 2021-2022 school year. Students who return a log by August 31 will earn a ticket to our Summer Reading Celebration.

Thank you and happy reading!

Click on calendar below to print at home. Parents please sign on the back of the calendar.