Miss Vander Wiele

Welcome to my Biology Class!

My name is Sarah Vander Wiele, or Miss V for short. I am Houston born and raised. I attended The University of Texas MD Anderson School of Health Professions where I majored in diagnostic pathology. I loved my experience through college and found a deeply rooted love for science. I fell in love with learning science so much that now I am in graduate school at Texas A&M to get my master's degree in Biological Sciences.

I am a dog mom, snake mom, gecko mom, and tarantula mom! I am a HUGE supporter of keeping reptiles and setting up bioactive vivaria (habitats). You will see three of them in my room this year! I love rock climbing (bouldering, specifically), playing strategy/cards games, and anything Disney, Harry Potter, and The Office.

This will be my third year teaching. I cannot wait to watch my students grow as scholars and individuals! Fins up!

Millie Jane the Picardy Shepherd

All of my siblings (they're all high school teachers, too!)

One of my favorite things to do (in New Mexico)

Remind App Messages

Text 81010 with the message:







The number of YOUR class period is the one you will send!

Parents, please feel free to join as well!


My email is:


I will be responding to emails from 6:50 AM to 3:30 PM on school days. Please be patient for a response!

My extension for my classroom phone is 6690.


Tutorials will be held on

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday

from 3:00 - 3:30 PM.

Morning tutorials are available by request on any days except Monday and Tuesday.

Google Classroom

Please join our Google Classroom. This is where you will find notes, resources, assignments, and some announcements.

1st: tf37oma

2nd: ohkp3cz

4th: seqivcj

5th: xuuc6ey

6th: 7ycnugk

7th: zqdkt7d