Coach Tom Lewis

English II/English II APA
Alvin High School

CM 128

Reach out anytime!

About Me

Hey everybody!

I'm excited to working with the unbelievable staff of Alvin High School and to serve the students of our beautiful community. This will be my third year teaching English and my past is littered with work in various fields (literal and metaphorical) including being a songwriter in Nashville, playing guitar in a nationally touring band featured on PBS and other national television programs, serving as a farmhand in Iowa, coaching college football, working as a sports broadcaster for KACC radio, directing a music school, and teaching health, weightlifting, and yoga - among other things. I'm a marathoner and triathlete #swimbikerun, a USAW certified coach, a writer, and a coffee fanatic. I coach football (varsity cornerbacks) and baseball (sophomore team).

We're going have
an incredible year - full of challenges, creativity, and more than a few laughs.

At home it's me, my super-person wife Kathryn, and our three dogs: Yukon, Duke, and Sandy. My mom works at NASA (second generation, my grandfather worked there from the 1960's until the 1990's) providing educational opportunities to STEM students and teachers, and my dad was Athletic Director of ACC and a sports broadcaster for almost 40 years. My brother, Geoff, is finishing his Ph.D in History at Texas Tech and teaches history for Alvin Community College, and my sister Samantha is an attorney in Austin, TX. My grandmother, Nancy Williams, taught English at Alvin High School and Alvin CC for 30+ years.

I'm a proud graduate of Graceland University '10 (BA Wellness Program Management/Corrective Exercise and Performance Enhancement, BA Physical Education, M.Ed Instructional Leadership with an emphasis on Restorative Exercise) where I coached football and taught in the Health and Movement Science department from 2010-2014. I'm currently a Ph.D student at Concordia University Chicago studying the relationships between transformational and servant leadership behaviors, mindfulness, student grit, motivation, self-confidence, and perception of trust.