The Story.

There are those who read and can easily recall what they have read. I am not one of those people.

Yet over time, I realized that we have to take to heart what we have read and learned, that we may practice them. And in time, be ready to recall and share with others, that it may be a word spoken timely to encourage, to correct, to remind, to guide... Especially with spiritual books. And so, I take notes. I jot down quotes and thoughts...

Sometimes when I get the question, "So, what have you been reading lately?" I still freeze. But writing things down have helped. Over the years, the notes have appeared on blogs, notebooks, emails, whatsapp chats... And after a while, it becomes a little hard to find. So, on a quiet evening, I finally sat down and embarked on this journey to collect all of these notes and thoughts.

And to create a platform for future notes and thoughts.

While this site is meant to be a place for my reading notes, I also hope that the words written may be of help and encouragement to any who happen to visit.

Happy reading.