Main Research Projects

My research interests have links to three active areas of research : Phase field modeling, Bio-medical applications and electrically driven flows. My research is supported by New Mexico IDeA Networks of Biomedical Research (NM-INBRE). I am currently a NM-INBRE NIRF Faculty Fellow (NM-INBRE Research Faculty Program) 2024. Research for my students is supported by the NM-INBRE NISE (New Mexico INBRE Summer Experience) grant.

High Diffusion 

Intermediate Diffusion

Low Diffusion

Bio-Medical Applications : this research is concerned with the better understanding of diseases in the body such as atherosclerosis. The above simulation describes the evolution of a drug concentration as it travels inside the artery and through the damaged region. Different diffusion coefficients are considered to account for effectiveness of drug near and past the damaged region.

Numerical Solution to the Cahn-Hilliard equation with variable mobility in 3 space dimensions: u(x,y,z,t) with uneven volume fractions of materials.  Bottom 3 figures model even volume fraction.

Phase-field modeling: we study models for micro and nano-structure evolution of materials. Non-linear partial differential equations that have applications to materials science are studied (Cahn-Hilliard Equation, Phase-field crystal equation, Block-copolymer  and Thin-film models). Our research is aimed at 1) developing efficient numerical methods with high order of accuracy and 2) modeling physical instabilities (forced - as a guiding tool or imbedded-in the nature of the model structure) to gain a better understanding of the material evolution with the purpose to improve the quality of materials.

Phase-field modeling continued:  simulations for the solution to a higher order water-oil-surfactant model - collision of two drops - simulation done with a new proposed approach in 2023 - THM_{LX} - method using a 128^3 mesh grid.

Evolution of  thin-film coatings:  solution to the Thin-film Equation (TF) capturing the drop formation process from an initial configuration of  five small droplets. An adaptive (variable) time-stepping algorithm is implemented. Picture on the right shows the different time steps used  during the evolution of the drop formation.

Research Work with Students:

Current students:

Sampson Owusu - Industrial and Applied Mathematics Ph.D. student at NMT (Main Research Advisor/Academic Advisor) - research areas in computational math, modeling aspects of Wave Equations with variable damping coefficients. Upcoming projects: Phase Field Crystal PFC Equation and Diblock Copolymer BCP Equation. Recent work with the Functionalized Cahn-Hilliard FCH equation (under review).

Michael Millard - Accelerated M.S. at NMT (NM-INBRE-Advisor) - research areas in computational math, math biology, bio-medical applications (NM-INBRE 2024 funded project).  Also GPU computations of phase field models. One paper in preparation.

M.Millard - Presentation at SRS New Mexico Tech 2024 - a simple approach for the CH equation using GPU architecture -Poster.

Ogochukwu Ifeacho - Ph.D. Student at NMT (Co-Advisor) - research areas computational math, math biology, mathematics education. One joint paper in the area of computational mathematics (under review).

Past students:

Logan Forman - B.S. Degree at NMT (Research Mentor) - research areas in computational math, GPU acceleration of computations and AI. One joint paper in the area of computational mathematics (under review).

Jesus Villegas - M.S. Degree at NMT  (Co-Advisor)- research interest in computational math and biomedical applications. One joint paper in the area of mimetic methods (under review).

Stephen Jurgensen - B.S. Degree at NMT - (Directed Study) - On some numerical methods for ODEs.  Project Report  

New Students: Interested students in research work in the area of applied and computational mathematics are always welcomed. Send me an email or stop by the office to talk about interesting and challenging math problems.

  Recent and Upcoming Talks/Conferences/Mini-Symposiums 

  Recent Research Grant Proposal Activities

---Recent Research Work---

Papers (In preparation)

Papers Submitted (under review)

Publications in 2024

Publications in 2023

Publications in 2022

Publications in 2021

Publications in 2020

Recent Selected Publications

For any questions, suggestions or discussions please email me at [saulo.orizaga(at)]