National Junior Honor Society

67 Students were inducted in the
AMS chapter of NJHS on
Wednesday, October 4, 2023. 

Those chosen for NJHS have achieved the following criteria:

a GPA of 3.8 or higher

attendance(less than 10 absences), & 

discipline points(2 or less) 

Meetings will be announced through Google Classroom.

Students will provide 10 hours of community service to area agencies throughout the area. Some of these are shown below.

We will volunteer to ring bells with the Salvation Army this winter.

Dates and times will be announced in our  Google Classroom. 

We will provide helping hands to the Community Hope Center in Cottage Hills. 

Dates and times will be announced in our
Google Classroom. 

Students will be able to serve AMS through concessions at sporting events as well as helping with the Spring Vendor Fair in March.

Dates and times will be announced in our
Google Classroom. 

Students will raise funds to help offset the costs of transportation for our volunteer events, as well as other needs the group may have throughout the year.

Possible fundraisers: