Required Steps/Forms

Step 1: 

Permission Slips/Submit Proposal

Due: November 17, 2023

Proposal Sheet 2024

Step 2

Abstract, Safety Sheet, References, Conclusions due to School Rep

Due: December 15, 2023

safety sheet.pdf

Step 3: 

Complete your project

K-4 Science Fair Project Guide

Elementary Science Fair Packet K - 4

5th Grade Science Fair Project Guide

IJAS PP Manual 2022-2024 final.pdf

November 17th-January 11th 

Students should use this time to do the following:

Step 4

Rough Draft of the Research Paper due to School Reps (3rd-5th)

Due: January 12, 2024

Step 5

FINAL Research Paper due to School Reps (3rd-5th)

Due: January 19, 2024

3-5 Research Paper Guidelines

Step 6

Attend the District Science Fair at North Elementary!

January 25, 2024

Important note for parents:  Your child is responsible for taking their board, safety sheet, abstract and completed research paper (if applicable)to the Science Fair.  Any other materials that are relevant to their project/presentation can also be shared on their table.