Troy Physical education CLass

Physical Education Class Overview:


The grading system in physical education is very simple. Each time your child comes to class they can earn 2 points. One for simply being dressed for physical activity with proper footwear and the other for showing energy, effort, empathy. I stress in my classes the importance of being sensitive to the ability level of your classmates because we have a wide range of athletic skill sets. It is good character development for my higher level athletes to learn when it’s appropriate to be aggressive and competitive and when to pull back. I only see your student 1 day a week for 53 minutes so attendance is very important!


Students will participate in following activities throughout the year:

Deck Tennis, Volleyball, Kickball, indoor soccer, basic tumbling, dodgeball, indoor softball, 1 hand touch football, basketball, a variety of fitness activities including yoga and rope climbing (for those who feel comfortable), a variety of high energy games such as capture the flag ( ball), ultimate, herd ball, running bases.