Arrival & Dismissal Procedures


Students are permitted to enter the school building at 7:30 am. Students enter the building through the North front entrance doors. At 7:30 am, students are to be proceed to  their homeroom classrooms to start the day. Students arriving after 7:45 am will need to stop in the office to check-in. During arrival, our staff is stationed at various points around the school to help students locate the cafeteria and classrooms.

If you will be driving your student to/from school, use the Canterbury Road entrance and exit only. Busses will enter and leave from the Belmar Blvd. entrance.

During dismissal, students will use the nearest exit door. Bus riders will be dismissed at 2:30pm. Once our buses start to leave campus, walkers, car riders and bike riders will be dismissed at approximately 2:35 pm, again leaving through the nearest exit door.



The image below details the flow of traffic during arrival and dismissal. Please note that students can be dropped off anywhere along the sidewalk (marked in light blue on the map below). Please pull forward as far as possible and let your student exit/enter your vehicle anywhere along the sidewalk so that traffic flows efficiently.

We appreciate your patience as we work out any potential arrival/dismissal issues over the course of the first week of school. Buses may arrive later than expected, and our car line may not flow quite as smoothly as we would like that first week, but each day we should see improvement in the flow of traffic!