
Find x,e,o,g

Have your student scan the lines left to right  to find each letter.   Please fill out data reporting and let me know how they do.  

scanning letters, numbers, words

Scanning letters, numbers, and words.  Have your student  follow the lines and read and then let me know how they do.  

Scavenger hunt.docx

For distance scanning outside, find the following items.  Feel free to substitute if the ones listed aren't available. 

Comprehension -Picking Apples.docx

Scanning/Comprehension-#2. Read the story while your student follows along.  Ask the comprehension questions and have your student scan and find the picture to answer the question.  

A Spring Walk.docx

Scanning /Comprehension #3

Comprehension - Road Trip.docx

Scanning/Comprehension #4

Comprehension - birthday party.docx

Scanning/Comprehension #5

Comprehension - elephants.docx

Scanning/Comprehension #6