The 988 Lifeline

988 is now active across the United States. This new, shorter phone number will make it easier for people to remember and access mental health crisis services. (Please note, the previous 1-800-273-TALK (8255) number will continue to function indefinitely.) 

Live On is a statewide effort to bring Utahns together in support of their loved ones. Whether you are struggling with thoughts of suicide, trying to help someone through their thoughts of suicide, or striving to find meaning after the death of a loved one, we can all get through, reach out, lift up, look ahead and Live On.

For more resources, please visit

Utah Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Resources 10.28.2020.pdf

Message to Parents from your Teens.

TMS Hope Squad

At Timberline Middle School, we have a peer-to-peer suicide prevention program called Hope Squad. Hope Squad members are peer nominated. Our Hope Squad members focus on creating connections, fostering a school climate of friendship, safety and support. Hope Squad members watch for warning signs of suicide and are trained to get help for students who may be struggling.

Want to better help the kids in your life? Watch the video below.

Here are the most important lessons from United Way's Everyday Strong resilience training to help kids feel safe, connected, and confident (18:47) 

Family Mental Health_How to Talk to Someone Who Is Struggling_Hope Squad_0.pdf
Family Mental Health_Warning Signs and Risk Factors_Hope Squad.pdf